Once you’re armed with this information, you will spend most of your time designing and routing boards instead of pulling your hair out creating footprints all day. In this article, we’re going to review some of the free offerings that exist within the PCB design community and show you not only how to access them but quickly add them to your Altium managed components (i.e., vault) located Altium 365 or Concord Pro. Still, if you’re an individual or startup trying to throw together a quick prototype, chances are you’d be willing to fork over the extra $0.50. Are you willing to spend the time it takes to create that footprint or spend the extra $0.50? The answer depends on the volume and complexity of the footprint. Company B sells virtually the same part priced at $5.50 but with a footprint. Why would they spend their time doing this? Imagine Company A sells a connector for $5.00, but no footprint is provided. Companies now realize this pain point and offering designers free, well-designed PCB footprints.

It’s tedious, time consuming, and doesn’t result in much except, well, a footprint.

Designing footprints is a job most people hate. One of the biggest hurdles individuals and startups face with creating new PCB designs is footprint creation.